"Galactic Grubs" Humorous, Animations, Cartoons ,Comedy, Funny, Merchandise, Hoodies, Sweatshirts, Tee Shirts, T-Shirts, Blankets, Towels, Mugs, Cups,Film Stills, Hats, Cups, Delwood and Melwood, Beasilys, Dr. Grubster, Valorie, Malorie, Freddie
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"Galactic Grubs" is a humorous, animated cartoon comedy that features funny characters in flying saucers that zoom throughout outer space. These aliens feature Delwood and Melwood, the Beasily family, Dr. Grubster, Valorie, Malorie, as well as Freddie. The comedy series depicts a highly advanced society of grubs living far away in a distant galaxy. They travel about in flying saucers and can teleport from sector of their galaxy to another. From wannabe criminals to dumb blondes, the Grubs create more problems for themselves without even realizing they are doing so. Being family-friendly, the series contains no swearing, foul language, of adult situations. It's just clean fun! "Kappa Sigma" A.E.K.D.B.